7 Simple Ways to Start Writing Better Content
We’ve all heard it. You need to add more content to your website for better rankings and that more content will help you connect better with your readers and answer their questions. Well, we’ve all heard it so much because it is true. Creating content for your website is incredibly important for your company’s success.
Many of you likely agree with me and may have even seen the effect that creating original content has on other businesses but don’t know how to do it yourself. As with all things in life, the things that are really worth it are hard and the path to better content writing is no different. It will take some effort but the payout in the end is definitely worth it.
Google has been very clear about what they like and don’t like when it comes to content. Google doesn’t like it when copywriters steal others’ content and they will punish those who do by moving them lower and lower in their rankings. On the other hand, Google will reward those who publish original and unique content by moving them up in the rankings. In other words, better content writing leads to better rankings/results.
Now that we’ve touched on the importance of writing better content, let’s go over how to do that. Here are 7 things to keep in mind when you are writing better content.
1. Original Content is King
We’ve already mentioned this but original content is the best type of content around. Google really likes it and ranks those with original content higher than those who don’t write original content.
Not only should you write original content but you should also come up with original ideas. Don’t write an article about a topic that has already been exhausted by other sources. When you write an article, the whole purpose is to add value for your readers and customers. If the information in your article is already well covered by someone else, why would your readers come to you?
2. Focus on the Headline
Too often, writers spend the absolute minimum in creating their headlines. Don’t do this. Headlines need to capture the attention of your readers and draw them in to your article. While 80% of people will read your headlines, only 20% will read the article and that is why you can’t underestimate the power of your headline. Copyblogger’s article on headlines is a great resource if you are struggling with your headlines.
3. Write to ‘Your’ Readers
When learning the tricks to writing better content, you must remember to write to your readers. Make sure to give them advice on how to use the information in your article and focus the content towards them. A simple tip would be to use “you” and “your” instead of vague generalities. Readers come to your website to learn more and to become better; so it is absolutely essential that your content helps them do so.
4. Q & A
Why do people use search engines? Quite simply, they use them to find answers to their questions. It is exactly the same thing when someone is interacting with any form of your content. From reading a blog post, looking through an infographic, or watching a video, if you can answer your readers’ questions in your content, then they will be more likely to return.
5. Create Thought Provoking Content
When writing better content, you do want to answer your readers’ questions but you also want to leave them with questions. This doesn’t mean that you should have gaps in your article but leave readers wondering how they can use the information you have written in their own lives.
Another thing you can do to create engaging content is to use stories. People love stories and using one in your article is a great way to help your readers understand your content. Also, don’t forget to pay attention to your introduction. Most people decide whether to read an entire article based on the first few sentences. Make sure that yours is intriguing and engaging if you want to keep your readers.
6. Use Multimedia
When potential readers stare at a large wall of text, chances are slim that they will read through the whole thing. In addition, different people learn differently and adding images and videos will help your readers better understand your content while breaking up a looming wall of text.
7. Short and to the Point
Writing better content doesn’t simply mean writing longer content. In fact, the opposite is usually true. Quality content eliminates fluff and focuses right in on the topic at hand. Readers want to find their answers quickly and keeping a post short, sweet, and to the point helps them do that. In addition, breaking up your post with subheadings (like we have done in this article) can help your readers skim the article and find their answers even quicker.
Writing quality content does take a fair amount of effort but it will be worth it. Your rankings will be better, your readers will be more engaged, and your business will be that much more successful. Follow the 7 tips above and you will be writing better content before you know it.