{Infographic} – Creating a Month to Month SEO Timeline

Aug 4, 2016 | Content Marketing

SEO is one of those necessary but complicated things for marketing. With so many ins & outs, it can be hard to understand it completely. One thing you need to know for sure, though, is how to plan out your SEO timeline.

Creating a SEO timeline won’t be just a “one and done” thing. You will have to adapt as time goes on and as you start seeing results. The important thing is to make sure that you have a solid SEO strategy to build on; and that is where your timeline should start.

This infographic gives an example of how an SEO timeline should look. Plan it out month by month and then repeat, making adjustments where and when needed. SEO doesn’t have to be difficult just take the time to plan it out.

How do you develop your SEO strategy?

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