Mobile Advertising

Partners We Work With

Mobile Search Traffic Has Surpassed Desktop Search Traffic

In 2015 Google released a statement that said mobile phones had surpassed desktop computers as the most popular way for consumers to browse the web. Even Google didn’t anticipate the change to come as quickly as it did, but anyone that owns a smart phone can see why it was only a matter of time. So what does this mean for your business?

If you want to make sure you are reaching your target audience everywhere they go, you have to invest in some form of mobile advertising. The introduction of new technology has allowed businesses to reach their customers in a variety of ways on mobile: on popular apps, on search engines like Google, and on popular social networking sites like Facebook and YouTube. If you want to be in front of your customers 24/7, mobile advertising is the key.

How Jones Paint and Glass Used Mobile to Elevate Their Business

Jones Paint and Glass didn’t even have a mobile version of their site when we began working with them in early 2016. Just adding the mobile addition to their site increased their traffic by a few hundred visits per month. To support the new site, we also began running a series of targeted ads on Facebook and Google mobile. When we looked at the results of the mobile advertising campaigns compared to desktop campaigns, mobile was the winner every time. Jones Paint & Glass was able to reach more customers and reach them in a more convenient way with mobile advertising.

Want to get in Front of More Customers on Mobile?

Contact Local 360 Media to find out how you can reach your customers directly with mobile advertising.

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